
Paula Radcliffe completes Tokyo for Star No.5

Paula Radcliffe ran the Tokyo Marathon in 2:57:22 to edge closer to her Six Star medal.

The 51-year-old will now travel to Boston to complete her journey after a career that saw her win London, Chicago and New York as well as breaking two world records.
On a hot day in the Japanese capital, the British legend admitted to going out harder than she would have liked after following some pacemakers that were traveling faster than advertised, giving hers a tough second half as she battled her way to the finish.

“I didn’t notice the heat to be honest but I’m so bad at drinking. I was even looking at the elite bottles and wondering if I should just take one!
“I just couldn’t drink out of the paper cups so I stopped at 25km to get some down me, but it was hard to get going again!
“The thing that was keeping me going was ‘I’m not coming back here again! I did everything I advise people not to do, but I got it done!”
The AbbottWMM documentary team is following Radcliffe’s comeback as she earns her final two stars, with the film due for release in late spring.

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