
Marathon Talk Episode 30: Simone Carniglia

Simone Carniglia is a remarkable runner whose performances at the Abbott World Marathon Majors have earned him the title of world’s fastest Six Star Finisher with type 1 diabetes.

He joins us on this week's podcast to share his story about how he got into running, how he manages his diabetes and general health, and his experience of completing his Six Star journey earlier this month at the TCS New York City Marathon.

Also on the show, we have some training tips on how to rest and recover before restarting your training regime in the New Year and we take a look at some of this year’s most scintillating Six Star Stats.

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In this episode of Marathon Talk

  • 0:00 - We kick things off with the results of Martin’s recent race at Corfe Castle, and indulge in the muddy joys of cross country
  • 9:50 - Rounding up the fascinating 6 Star Stats from the year, share our concerns & support for Tom Evans, and discover a unique marriage proposal method
  • 20:35 - The return of Training Talk, as we cover how best to recover in the off-season, and the smartest way to pick your training back up in the new year
  • 26:35 - A fascinating conversation with Simone Carniglia about his record-setting runs, how he manages his runs with Type 1 Diabetes, and what lies ahead for him

Episode keywords

Marathon talk, abbott world marathon majors, marathon running, distance running, endurance marathon, marathon training, endurance training, london marathon, berlin marathon, boston marathon, chicago marathon, tokyo marathon, new york marathon, six star finisher, 6 star finisher stats, simone carniglia

Episode highlights

“I think it is so significant that just over 3000 runners that showed up to get their sixth star in Tokyo hobbled home with three medals. They had their Tokyo Marathon finishers medal, their Six Star medal, and their Guinness World Record medal.” - 10:40 - Deena Kastor 

“Off-road, particularly running cross country, is such a good way to get going again because you very quickly lose the pressure of the watch.” - 24:50 - Martin Yelling

“Distance running really helps with regulating blood sugar levels - it’s changed my life.” - 43:35 - Simone Carniglia

“I run other marathons and other events, but I love these events, not only for the events themselves but also for the amazing people.” - 55:20 - Simone Carniglia

Useful links

Abbott World Marathon Majors

Martin Yelling

Deena Kastor

Simone Carniglia

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