All-time best lineups, exclusive news, and Paula Radcliffe herself on Marathon Talk? We couldn't start 2025 any better, could we…
Paula Radcliffe MBE is our first guest on the show for 2025 and is talking to us ahead of her majestic marathon return! The former world record holder will complete the final steps of her Six Star journey later this year, first in Tokyo and then finally in Boston.
Speaking of Boston, we look at their elite field lineup and try to pick a winner. And if picking a winner for that race was hard, the London elite field is a veritable who's who of marathon racing! It's a packed show; you don't want to miss it!
Get the inside scoop on two of the most anticipated races in a generation with one of the most iconic runners of a generation on episode 61 of Marathon Talk.
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In this episode of Marathon Talk:
- 0:00 - We kick off the first show of the year checking in on Deena’s discipline, and set our goals for the year ahead
- 12:45 - Boston and London have released their incredibly competitive elite fields, so we sift through the contenders who might take victory in these stellar line-ups for the Spring Majors.
- 33:50 - Marathon icon and former World Record Holder Paula Radcliffe MBE is our very special guest, sharing the first steps on her marathon return, Six Star ambitions, and what she’s looking forward to most about taking on Boston & Tokyo
Episode keywords
Marathon talk, abbott world marathon majors, marathon running, distance running, endurance marathon, marathon training, endurance training, london marathon, berlin marathon, boston marathon, chicago marathon, tokyo marathon, new york marathon, six star finisher, paula radcliffe, paula radcliffe tokyo, paula radcliffe boston
Episode highlights
“Boston is one of our first Abbott World Marathon Majors coming up, and it is so exciting to see these names that they have listed that will be toeing the line later this spring, including Helen Obiri going for her third win in a row.” - 13:05 - Deena Kastor
“We’ve said that women's marathon running is very exciting at the moment, at this level, and Ruth Chepng’etich and Sifan Hassan in the same race are very exciting.” - 17:30 - Martin Yelling
“This is all making me hope it is a picture perfect day weather wise in London, which typically it's great racing weather there. So the odds are in our favour that we're going to see some great racing.” - 26:35 - Deena Kastor
“I’'m really not trying to think about goals of time. I know that when I get to Boston, that one will come in, but I'm kind of hoping that sense will prevail in Tokyo, in terms of just being able to enjoy it.” - 37:50 - Paula Radcliffe MBE
“That’s what makes the marathon so special - 50,000 people all going through the same experiences, helping each other through it, and learning a bit about themselves.” - 46:15 - Paula Radcliffe MBE
“The journey that my daughter has been on, and her recognising that we're the lucky ones and other people aren't so… What the charity is trying to do is just really raise that awareness and funds, and improve their situation for all the children.” - 53:00 - Paula Radcliffe MBE
Links & references
Abbott World Marathon Majors
Martin Yelling
Deena Kastor
Other news

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